Friday, August 12, 2011

Katha of Moon or Chandra

In the words of some sacred writings like “Purusha Sukta”, it has been expressed that the Moon is begotten from the mind of a cosmic man which is called as Virat Purusa or Kal Purusa. Another part of mythology attached to the Moon says that he got married to 27 constellations of sky which are the daughters of King Dakshan among which he loved Rohini the most while almost ignoring the rest. This led to the emergence of rage in the father so on for this the king cursed the Moon to become diminished and fade ultimately on account of which all the gods asked the king for some solution to save the world from this worst predicament as resulting in making the Moon to visit each of his wife to regain his strength for half of the month. This made the Moon visit all the constellations in a month besides keep on changing the form and size.


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